Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lots of pretty things!

I've got some gloomy financial things happening in life right now, broke down car, sick cat and cut hours at work. It all adds up to some depressing atmosphere. Sometimes I like to browse some pretty little things, sort of like window shopping, to lighten the day.

This is actually from a seller on Etsy that I am trying to find again

Are these not adorable?

A classy steam punk influence

Double patterns plus the texture of the patent leather

I have wanted shoes like these for years!

All of these earrings are from Forever 21

I actually own these, they are really sparkly

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Decorating a spare room

One of my current 'projects' is my spare room. My home has three bedrooms, one is an actual bedroom, one is an office and the other is just a spare 'hold my junk' room. I have long envisioned this room being elegant, soft and generally 'girly'. A sort of shabby chic i suppose.

The room is currently a cool mossy green with a cream ceiling, which i suppose is ok the way it is. I am not exactly dying to paint it again. It is in desperate need of some new trim, though i cant decide between white and cream yet. I will either go with pure which or a softer off white sort of cream color. The plan is to incorporate soft browns, roses and other greens for a fresh earthy feel with lots of cream and/or white.

This is some of my inspiration

 The painted jewelry armoire is particularly perfect as I already posses a jewelry armoire that is extremely similar, just waiting to be painted!

Here is the actual room, in its current, messy state.

A currently not-so-useful closet that with the addition of shelves and drawers I believe will become a most excellent linen closet.  

Ive seen this sort of dresser called a lingerie dresser? It will be stripped of that ugly purple and painted, hardware replaced. Lily, one of my cats, wanted to be in the picture.

The current boring state of the armoire 

The progress will be slow, of that I am assured. I can not paint anything till the summer, and will have to slowly set aside little bits of money for a decent vanity and other decor.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Average first post

First post of a new blog is always the same, but who am I to break away from tradition?

First things first, who am I?

You may call me Plum, or Marie which is my lovely middle name. I am 22 years old, and am married to a wonderful man who supports all my various hobbies which is really amazing cause I am all over the place. My maiden name is french, which is very strange in the area I grew up. One day I shall get all the information I can from my few living relatives and look up my ancestors to find out exactly how I ended up with my name.

My interests and hobbies touch a little bit of everything at times. I have a strong interest in historical and national traditional costumes/clothing. I am particularly in love with Georgian ladies and the aesthetics of the Regency period. I have spent years studying the traditions of the geiko and maiko of Kyoto, as well as the history of kimono.  

Drawing, reading, writing, cross stitching, crocheting, all manners of various crafting from jewelry to redoing furniture are all apart of what i try to do in my spare time. Oh and video games....loooots of video games. I also love animals, I have two 'little girls', two cats i adopted together, Jasmine and Lily.

I expect this blog to become an outlet for me, from art sketches to how my crafts are coming along. I also hope to make some friends and find more blogs to keep up with!